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Workshop on "Earthquake Forecast Systems Based on Seismicity of Japan: Toward Constructing Base-line Models of Earthquake Forecasting"

  • 最終更新 / Last modified
    • 27 September 2010

 講演発表募集 / Call for Papers

  • 発表希望の方は,そのタイトルを10/8(金)までに地震研究所・横井 (sayokoi@eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp) までご連絡をお願いいたします。
  • Please email Dr. S. Yokoi (sayokoi@eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp) to tell the title of your talk.

 趣旨 / Scope



また本集会は、「地震及び火山噴火予知のための観測研究計画」の平成22年度実施計画「地震発生予測のための地震活動評価手法の基盤構築 (課題番号:1406)」の一環として開催される。

The new Japanese “Observation and Research Program for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions” started in 2009. One of the newly-introduced projects is to develop forecast systems that can quantify knowledge about future earthquake occurrence. The approach is based on integrating research activities that aim toward high-resolution real-time monitoring systems for crust and mantle activity; better understanding of the earthquake generation mechanism; and predictive modeling of the earthquake process. The main purpose of this workshop is to discuss recent research on statistics- and physics-based models of earthquake forecasting as well as evaluation of methodologies that can measure the quality of a forecast, its reliability and accuracy. The workshop has a special focus on discussion toward constructing so-called “based-line models” that can be invoked as community-supported references in future earthquake predictability research. We also solicit papers on related theory, experiments, observations, and simulation approaches in order to discuss future directions of earthquake forecasting research.

The workshop will cover two days of presentations and discussion, and be followed by a business meeting. Workshop participants are encouraged to consider also attending the meeting.

 言語 / Language

  • 研究集会:パワーポイントは英語。英語での発表を推奨します。ビジネスミーティング:日本語
  • Text body in presentation materials is written in English. Presenters are encouraged to give a talk in English. The business meeting will be held mainly in Japanese.

  プログラム / Agenda

【11月1日(月) / 1 Nov (Mon)】

座長 鶴岡弘 (東京大学) / Chair H. Tsuruoka (Univ. Tokyo)

13:00〜13:20 H. Tsuruoka, K. Z. Nanjo, S. Yokoi, N. Hirata (Univ. Tokyo) Report on prospective evaluation of the 3-month CSEP-Japan earthquake forecasts(166)

13:20〜13:40 D. Schorlemmer (SCEC) 【Invited speech】 D. Schorlemmer, J.D. Zechar, M.J. Werner, E.H. Field, D.D. Jackson, T.H.Jordan and the RELM Working Group:First Results of the Regional Earthquake Likelihood Models Experiment(127)

13:40〜13:50 M. Liukis (SCEC) 【Invited speech】M. Liukis, D. Schorlemmer, T.H. Jordan and the CSEP Working Group:Future developments of the CSEP testing centers(126)

13:50〜14:00 F. Euchner (ETH Zurich) 【Invited speech】F. Euchner,D. Schorlemmer, P. Kaestli, and the QuakeML WG QuakeML : Status and Applications of the Community-Created Seismological Data Exchange Standard(427)

14:00〜14:15  総合討論・休憩 / Discussion and break

座長 楠城 一嘉 (東京大学) / Chair K. Z. Nanjo (Univ. Tokyo)

14:15〜14:30 K. Z. Nanjo (Univ. Tokyo) CSEP earthquake forecasts based on the RI algorithm for the Japanese experiment(203)

14:45〜15:00 C. Smyth (Kyoto Univ.) MARFS and MARFSTA: an overview and comparison, and new directions based on recent research

15:00〜15:15 S. Toda (Kyoto Univ.) and B. Enescu (NIED) Updated version of the rate/state Coulomb stress transfer model for the CSEP Japan seismicity forecast

15:15〜15:30 B. Enescu (NIED), S. Aoi, W. Suzuki, Y. Asano, K. Obara, T. Kunugi and K. Shiomi Stress transfer in the Tokai subduction zone from the 2009 Suruga Bay earthquake in Japan

15:30〜15:45 M. Kawamura (Chubu Univ.), T. Kudo (Chubu Univ.), and K. Yamaoka (Nagoya Univ.) Comprehensive understanding and monitoring of crustal activities based on the correlations between geophysical measures

15:45〜16:00 F. Hirose and K. Maeda (JMA) Seismicity Model Modified by the Information of Seismic Velocity Structure(193)

16:00〜16:30  総合討論・休憩 / Discussion and break

座長 菅谷勝則 (統計数理研究所) / Chair K. Sugaya (ISM)

16:30〜16:45 K. Sugaya and Y. Ogata (ISM) The features of seismicity in central Honshu based on the hierarchical space-time ETAS model

16:45〜17:00 A. R. Bansal and Y. Ogata (ISM) Seismicity activation before the mega-earthquake of 26 December 2004 based on Epidemic type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model

17:00〜17:15 K. Maeda and F. Hirose (JMA) Probability Estimation of Large Earthquakes by Possible Foreshocks along the Japan Trench(145)

17:15〜17:30 M. Okada (JMA), N. Uchida (Tohoku Univ.), and S. Aoki (JMA) A new prior distribution of a Bayesian forecast model for small repeating earthquakes in the subduction zone along the Japan Trench(245)

17:30〜17:45   M. Imoto and N.Yamamoto (NIED) Increased short-term probability prior to the off Ibaraki M7.0 earthquake of 8 May 2008

18 : 30 懇親会 / Party

【11月2日(火) / 2 Nov (Tue)】

座長 遠田晋次 (京都大学) / Chair S. Toda (Kyoto Univ.)

09:00〜09:15 J. Zhuang and Y. Ogata (ISM) Evaluating performance of earthquake prediction relative to a baseline model through gambling scoring(146)

09:15〜09:30 T. Himeno (NIPR) and K. Z. Nanjo (Univ. Tokyo) Improvement of Likelihood Model Testing(136)

09:30〜09:45 M. Imoto (NIED) Problems in the LRNS-tests caused by parameter uncertainties(141)

09:45〜10:00 Y. Ogata (ISM) Evaluating probability forecasts of earthquakes by the expected relative entropy

10:30〜12:30 ビジネスミーティング / Business meeting

  • 第2回検証実験について
  • テスト領域について(2次元、3次元)
  • 標準モデルの構築に向けて
  • 次回ミーティングの開催について

 委員 / Committees

  • 企画/Organizing committee
    • 鶴岡 弘(東大地震研)、遠田晋次(京都大防災研)、楠城一嘉(東大地震研)、横井佐代子(東大地震研)/ H. Tsuruoka (ERI, Univ. Tokyo), S. Toda (DPRI, Kyoto Univ.), K .Z. Nanjo (ERI, Univ. Tokyo), S. Yokoi (ERI, Univ. Tokyo)
  • 顧問/Advisory board
    • 平田 直(東大地震研)、尾形良彦(統数研)、井元政二郎(防災科技研)、片尾 浩(京都大防災研)、前田憲二(気象研) / N. Hirata (ERI, Univ. Tokyo), Y. Ogata (ISM), M. Imoto (NIED), H. Katao (DPRI, Kyoto Univ.), K. Maeda (MRI)

 問い合わせ / Contact