Note on Teleseismic Body-Wave Inversion Program

written by M. Kikuchi(1) and H. Kanamori(2)
(1) ERI, Univ. Tokyo, JAPAN
(2) Seismol. Lab., CALTECH, USA

(Update : 2006.03.16)

This note gives a brief explanation of the inversion program and relevant data files. The program package contains three different sets of inversion programs as follows:

Set 1: Inversion allowing mechanism changes.
Set 2: Fine tuning of the source time function and slip distribution.
Set 3: Inversion with a fixed fault mechanism.

The above three sets can be used in the following way:
(1) Use Set 1 to determine a gross fault mechanism for a single subevent with a long source duration. If the waveform match is not satisfactory and some different mechanisms are inferred, try more iteration to determine additional subevents.
(2) Use Set 2 to tune the source time functions for subevents derived in (1).
(3) If the mechanism change is not likely to occur (as in the case of subduction zone earthquakes) and the source process still seems complex, try Set 3 to determine a sub-event distribution over a fault plane.

This program package may be freely copied, but users are requested to acknowledge in publications with reference to this note on the web site:

M. Kikuchi and H. Kanamori, Note on Teleseismic Body-Wave Inversion Program,

If you find any bug in the programs, please report it to us ( . You cannot expect full service, but we can fix it so that we, and through us, other users may benefit from your find.

DOWNLOAD : Program [tar.gz Update:2004.08.07] example [tar.gz]
Manual [MSword] [pdf]

List of files

     green.f           inversion3.f      plotw.f
     gr3.f             green3.f          listg.f                 
     graphics.f        gregra.f          lists.f
     graphics2.f       inversion.f       mom3.f
     graphics3.f       inversion2.f      plotcm.f
     readme          sub.corr.f      sub.init.f      sub.nnls.f      sub.radpmt.f
     sub.axs.f       sub.cubicd.f    sub.instg.f     sub.nplane.f    sub.refl.f
     sub.bodyfc.f    sub.dbas.f      sub.instw.f     sub.order.f     sub.reflsh.f
     sub.bodyw.f     sub.dcp.f       sub.laspac.f    sub.plotw.f     sub.source.f
     sub.cfft.f      sub.dctomt.f    sub.lvns.f      sub.plotw0.f    sub.stnplo.f
     sub.clear.f     sub.det0.f      sub.lvns1.f     sub.pole.f      sub.stnplx.f
     sub.cline.f     sub.det00.f     sub.mcplo.f      sub.zmom.f
     sub.cnvr.f      sub.det1.f      sub.mcplot.f    sub.qfm.f
     sub.cnvrsh.f    sub.eig1.f      sub.mcplot0.f   sub.quadrd.f
     sub.contmap.f   sub.equarea.f   sub.mcplot1.f   sub.radp.f
     sub.conv.f      sub.filter.f    sub.mtrx.f      sub.radpfc.ff
     fort.1 fort.2 stdin-files jb.table jb.ptime jb.stime
     Fort.16, plot8, fort.26, plot28, fort.36, plot38,, plot3

In addition, the following programs are required.

     recipes.a must contain following subroutine objects:
       eigsrt.f   jacobi.f   lubksb.f   ludcmp.f   quad3d.f
  These files may be installed from:
       "NUMERICAL RECIPES The art of scientific computing"
         eds. William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky,
         William T. Vetterling, 963pp., Cambridge University Press

Kikuchi,M., & Kanamori,H., Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 72, 491-506, 1982.
Kikuchi,M., & Kanamori,H., Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 81, 2335-2350, 1991.
Kikuchi,M., Kanamori,H. & Satake,K., J. Geophys. Res., 98, 15797-15808, 1993.
